Bank & Entrepreneur Africa recently invited Nigerians to enter its Africa Foodpreneur Challenge, where they were asked to share their favourite nutritious food & drink for a chance to win edibles from four awesome Nigerian SMEs.
The Challenge got a whole lot tastier thanks to the four incredible vendors who swooped in to sponsor the competition with a range of delicious and healthy goodies they brought to the table:

First up, Organic Dorothy with their magical Kombucha flavours (Turmeric & Ginger, and Mulberry). Packed with probiotics, Kombucha is a gut health game-changer. Included in the gift package was also some tangy Turmeric & Pineapple Sauerkraut, which is a vitamin powerhouse!

Next was BPlanto with several packs of its gluten-free and versatile Plantain Flour – perfect for baking and as an accompaniment to soups and sauces, for tortillas and flatbreads, pasta and dumplings, pancakes and waffles, breakfast porridge, smoothies, and as a base for energy bars.

Jodriela presented winners with nutrient-rich green vegetable Ewedu Powder (a traditional favourite with a modern twist); variants of its homegrown, calming brews (Hibiscus Tea, Lemon & Ginger Tea); and packets of sweet and healthy Date Powder, perfect for baking or smoothies.

Ady’s Agro gifted some Fonio (an ancient supergrain), Sorghum flour (gluten-free, nutrient-rich, and versatile for baking, cooking, and thickening of foods), and spices (Pepper Soup Spice, Immune Booster, and Curry Powder) for elevating dishes to gourmet status.
Thank you to these exceptional foodpreneurs who play a crucial role in increasing local food production, reducing dependence on imported goods and stabilisng food supplies, and supporting greater food security.