Deadline: 31 December 2024
Website: https://form.jotform.com/241764080047151
Competition theme: “Shining a Light: Iconic Women, from Everyday Life to Global Heroes”
Eligibility: Anyone, amateur and professional photographers of any age.
The Muhammad Ali Centre in Louisville, Kentucky (USA), is honoured to announce its 11th annual “Shining a Light” International Photography Contest and subsequent exhibition. This contest and exhibition will be informed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals #5 (Gender Equality) and #10 (Reduced Inequalities).
This year the Ali Center is asking participants to submit photographs that illustrate the various ways individual women inspire others and build up their communities. This contest will accept photographs that illustrate the following themes:
- The direct, positive effect women have on their families and communities.
- Women performing acts to make the world a better place, for themselves and for others.
- Women professionals in fields that are typically deemed “male dominant.”
- Internationally known contemporary and historical women leaders, inventors, educators, and advocates.
- Lesser-known contemporary and historical women leaders, inventors, educators, and advocates.
A monetary prize will be awarded directly to contestants by the Muhammad Ali Centre in recognition of placing first, second, or third.
1st Prize — $1000
2nd Prize — $750
3rd Prize — $500
For more details and to enter the competition, please click here.