The Leading African Women in Food Fellowship (LAWFF) – a transformative program designed to empower and celebrate women leaders in the African food and agriculture sector – is sending its 2024 Fellows to Rwanda to attend the Africa Food Systems Forum (AGRF), taking place September 02-06.
AGRF is the world’s premier forum for African agriculture that brings together stakeholders in the agricultural landscape to take practical actions and share lessons for moving African agriculture forward.

Says LAWFF Fellow, Adanna Uche:
I am proud to be a woman in Agriculture, building bridges and impacting the farmer value chain.
Let’s talk about my fellow [Leading African Women in Food Fellowship – LAWFF] Fellows – we have 20 strong, amazing, trailblazers, food changers and mighty women all across Africa doing mighty things in their countries and spheres.
This year, the African Food Changemakers [funders of LAWFF] brought all of us to Kigali, Rwanda for our graduation and to attend the largest Agricultural conference [AFS Forum] to experience first-hand where we should be in Africa.
Stay tuned as I bring you a line-up of discussions, conversations and things that matter in the Agriculture ecosystem.
I am not just the SPICE QUEEN, I am an agriculture ecosystem trailblazer.

The AGRF is a multi-sector platform comprising of 26 partners leading in African agriculture all focused on putting farmers at the centre of the continent’s growing economies.
- Numeris Média is officially accredited media to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games